
Harry potter and the deathly hallows
Harry potter and the deathly hallows

Both, The Hunger Games and Hobbit series' have had a rough time closing out their series' with a film that feels whole in itself. I think what's most impressive about this particular installment is that it manages to pull off the "all pay-off" type of story that most part 2's have struggled with.

harry potter and the deathly hallows

We begin part 2 still in search of the Horcruxes as well as finding Voldemort's army at its strongest. The Deathly Hallows Part 2 checked off just about everything I could have asked for.

harry potter and the deathly hallows

To me, the perfect conclusion to a franchise ties up everything that was promised while leaving the audience with an emotionally satisfying ending that leaves the door open for something later.

Harry potter and the deathly hallows