I adopted the harmonic picture of Aborigines which the tourism industry tries to make foreigners believe. First I was very fascinated by their way of life and their culture which is so different from our western culture. I started to become interested in issues concerning Aborigines. During my student exchange in Australia in year 1. During the last years the Reconciliation movement and Aboriginal education have grown in priority and more Australians have become aware of Aboriginal affairs.Īboriginal culture, however, has also become more and more commercialised as it has become very popular as a tourist attraction in recent years. Even the name of Australia`s capital, Canberra, which means “meeting place”, originally comes from an Aboriginal word. Many places have Aboriginal names such as “Wollongong” or “Wooloomoloo”, which are close of Sydney. Nevertheless the Aboriginal culture is present in non- Aboriginal society. Aborigines live in Australia and they form only about 2 % of the population of Australia. It generally refers to “the Indigenous people of Australia” which is the politically correct term. It stands for a person or living thing which has existed in a country or continent since the earliest time known to people. The expression “Aborigine” originally comes from Latin. Their culture is very precious and fascinating although it might be hard to fully understand their way of life if seen through the eyes of Europeans or white Australians. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition Stephen D Krashen University of Southern California. Compared to other ancient societies such as the Indians in America or the Indigenous people of Africa one can say that due to the late European contact the Aboriginal culture is the one, which has survived the longest. They formed one of the oldest societies on earth. The indigenous people of Australia have lived on the continent for at least 4. Living conditions of Aborigines today page - Housing- Employment situation - Education- Health- Alcohol and drug problems - Criminality. This document was produced at the Center for Applied Linguistics (4646 40th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20016 20) with funding from the U.S. The word "Chenla" or "Zhenla" and likewise.

Aboriginal culture and religious belief page - The Dreamtime- Dream paths - Totems.Įtymology "Chenla" or "Zhenla" was the name given in Chinese accounts of an entity that sent tributes to Chinese emperors. The present situation of Aborigines in Australia.